Wednesday, August 27, 2008

random notes

I have no idea wat to name this post because i have no idea what i wanna put in this post.
Still trying to recollect my thoughts together and put them down in words but my mind is wondering off into so many areas that I don't have a topic in mind that I can put my finger to.
Life have been rather monotonous lately. I have been working, tv, sleep and the cycle starts all over again the next day. And on weekends, I don't really have any idea what to do. Together with my bf, we are like lost wondering souls. Hahx.
We have been planning our future, looking at flats that will be coming up, furniture we want in the house etc etc. hahh i think this part of my life is rather interesting. Really can't wait for this future dream of ours to come =)
On the other hand, Olympics have just ended, so don't really know what to watch out for on tv nowadays. AND Congrats to the table tennis players who have won the silver medal for Singapore! And BOOOO to the person who has made it onto the headlines infamously. Apparently the words that the person has said to the media at the Olympics has upset many people, and I think people will start demonstrating at the park against her. I think her future looks rather misty right now...
Oh well, time to go do other stuff!

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