Tuesday, May 06, 2008


A big CONGRATS to myself for completing 3 years of univerisity life. =)
ANOTHER big congrats for finding a job =)
BUT a BIG slap on the face for beginning work the day AFTER exams end. =(

Spent a really nice day out with my friends, xiaoqian and charissa, after exam ended yesterday. We had our lunch at Hogsbreath Cafe, which was ok but not really that fantastic as people make it out to be. Oh well, at least we filled our tummy =) Spent the rest of the afternoon walking around the place before we went off to do our own separate stuff.

And for today, it was the first day of work! I will say that there is alot of things to do, but I didn't manage to find that much things to do. Hahhx. Went on a site inspection with my boss, and it was quite interesting to see how bad a building can turn into with age. And learnt alot about buildings, what to look out for, some laws for the buildings, etc. It feels like school all over againnn.. hahhh... let's hope tml will be a better day =)

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