Friday, November 09, 2007

mOrE on FooD MiCroB

I just had a lab on food microbiology. Hah. It was oddly interesting. Last week, we tested mango pudding from one of the food stalls in school. Did gram stain, etc and we thought that the mango pudding was one of the cleanest food around since there were not much funny bacteria moving around under the microscope.
However, interesting information were discovered today. In our agar plates, we found TONS of bacteria colonies, with gram positive and gram negative bacteria!!! Upon further calculations, we found out that our mango pudding has 8.3 x 10^7, which was very high!!! For safe consumption, quality of the food has to have below 1.0 x 10^6 bacteria. well, i am not sure if it is 1.0 x 10^6, but definitely 10^6 is correct! so yes its way too high for consumption. So ppl, think twice before you eat the food. Look at how food is prepared, the environment, etc or you might get into trouble with your stomach!

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